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Our Branding : The Story Behind the Deer

I am very strong in my faith and truly trust God in all I do. This business was a step of faith 8 years ago. With the rebrand a few years ago, I was in a very different space personally, spiritually and physically.

Every year I trust God for a scripture verse that I can hold onto for that year, sort of a “theme” for my year in 2017 it was:

"He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places." Psalms 18:33

When planning and designing this rebrand I strongly felt that I wanted to bring this into my business, and so I decided to research this verse.

I focused on the deer and what I found amazed me.

The feet of the female deer stand firmer and more upright than the male - hence the mention of the "hind" or female stag. The rear feet of the hind step in precisely the same spot where the front feet have just been. Every motion of the hind is followed through with single-focused consistency, making it the most sure-footed, agile and swift of all mountain animals. It’s true that the climb up to the high places is a bit more challenging than a level foot path in the valley. But not if you’ve got those hinds’ feet; the hinds’ feet equip them for the roughest terrain. They are such majestic creatures with their antlers reaching up to the heavens. These antlers can also grow back once they fall off and because of this characteristic, they are revered in many traditions as a symbol of life regeneration.

The deer has many sides, it is powerful and feisty, cautious, adventurous, and protective but has great individuality, calling for people to trust their instincts and trust themselves. I had the most beautiful image in my head and it spoke to me of my journey in life, and in so many other ways.

I knew without a doubt that this was the beautiful creature I wanted to represent my company.

My brand has had a freshen up since then, but I still keep the deer as the central focus.

Our Brand & Web Design Experience helps us get to the heart of your brand. Using equal parts strategy & design. Book your complimentary discovery call to learn more about how we can help you with your brand and website design.

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